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Tempe High School Class of 1969 - Latest News

04-03-2009 - Committee Meeting, April 2, 2009
The meeting took place at the Tempe office of Grady Gammage. In attendance were John Ditsworth, Gary Patton, Mark Kirchner, Mark Heier, Mary (Bentley) Boyd, Diane (Hull) Grant, and Paulette Chartier. Grady did stop in to offer inspiration to the group in the form of liquid refreshment.
The group reviewed and approved a proposed menu from Rustler's Rooste which Diane presented. John suggested we send out an announcement with a "save the date" theme so people will mark their calendar for the Saturday night event at Rustler's Rooste. The date has been set for Saturday night, October 24th at Rustler's Rooste from 6pm until 11pm. We have reserved the patio area which has a beautiful view. The menu includes appetizers, BBQ chicken, salad, corn on the cob, cowboy beans, rolls, coffee and Iced Tea. Desert is apple and cherry pie and fudge brownies. Other beverages will be available for purchase.
Mark Heier will present a video with a "Then and Now" theme. There is also a band and dance floor available inside for those who would like to get their groove on :)
We are looking into a gathering spot for Friday night as well. Mary researched Daly Park as an option and we decided against it. The all years Buff Bash would be ideal as a Friday night addition to our reunion but as of this time the date has not been set for that gathering. Paulette will look into Aunt Chilada's as a venue for Friday night, October 23. John reported that 46% of our classmates have been located. Pat Gill is continuing to update the information on the web site which is a big task. Thanks to Pat for all her time and expertise with the web site.
Grady mentioned that he is having a fund raiser for Harry Mitchell on Monday the 13th of April on the balcony of his office. All contributions are welcome and $125. per person is the official donation. Harry will be invited to our Saturday night reunion gathering.

Our next meeting will take place at Grady's on May 7th from 5 to 7pm.

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