Tempe High School Class of 1969
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Tempe High School Class of 1969 - Class Museum
Pictures in Gallery: 48
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No Larry, I didn't save my lunch napkin, but I did save the dots game I played with Coach Dennis Powell during study hall our freshman year.  'Bender, front and center.  Your homework don...
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4602

...And my class dues receipt!!!
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4548

Winter Concert Program
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4482

Musical Program presented.
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4468

A script from our class play presentations.  I have two other scripts also.  This was the shortest one.  I believe I was in this group although I'm a little hesitant to admit it.
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4555

An example of academic excellence from Mr. Lyon's Freshman English Class.
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4605

Batman continued
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4550

1967 Art festival program
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4487

1967 -Art Festival Musicians
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4525

Art Festival Awards - 1967
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4584

Mike - This one's for you!!!
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4606

Uniburger fun!!!
Posted By: Judy Bender-Ream
Views: 4565

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