Yes! I got transferred to her class in the middle of the year from Mr. Taysom's class at Mitchell. She reminded me of the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz. It took a while to get used to her but by the end of the year I thought she was ok. Mr. Gill in sixth grade was a lot nicer.
It took me weeks to remember the name Taysom. Taysom stuck boxing gloves on Dennis Friestad and me to Box in the Playground at Mitchell. I spent a bit of time getting swats at the Chalkboard in Taysoms. I would have had to have had McCoy as I remember all 3 of you. And Whatley we hung out a lot together. My house was so closed to Holdeman on Broadway. I could here the School Bell Ring.
Louis, your memtion of Dennis Freistad reminded me that I worked with Dennis' last wife (he had 4 wives). She and I were paralegals for the same firm. She told me that Dennis had died in his sleep from massive heart attack, about 4 years ago. I always thought Dennis was such a nice guy. Terry, his widow, is a great gal. They had a wonderful marriage. I am glad he had that time of happiness with her.
Boy Gail, I did not know what happened to Dennis. I just wish that everyone is having Blood Tests at least once a year. When I took my first Blood Test, my Cholestral was 249. Since then I have trained myself to quit going to McDonalds and other things. I am a pretty steady 176 to 189 now. Some people brag of a 150. Are they just eating Lettuce.
Larry, I don't believe you have all thumbs for one minute, and I think on this Holdeman thing. Did we have group pictures with our Teachers then? I'm thinking I should have one if you think we did. Or did we have just personal pictures.
'I'm thinking I should have one if you think we did. Or did we have just personal pictures.'
Louie, help me here. You'll have a picture if I think we did. But if I think we didn't, you won't. You're givin' me a lot a power here, bud. Let's see . . . I think you WILL have a picture. Did one appear? Let me know!
Sorry. It's Friday afternoon and I've been wrestling with software all day. And cowboys thought they had it bad when the herd was contrary. The only things I really remember from Holdeman are the creche and Shirleen Matthews. And square dancing. And music with Mrs. Coghill.
Louie, I feel really bad about my last posting. It was making fun of you, and I'm truly sorry. But I was thinking . . . if I DID have that kind of power, you know, sort of a supernatural gift, maybe I could make Jerry's cat come back. Should we try it?
Dennis was in my fifth grade class with Mrs McCoy. A funny story:
He alway had chapped lips. One day he was not paying attention, cause
he was lip glossing. Mrs McCoy came over and started in on him, this is
no lie, A fly landed on his face and he just let walk around. Finally, Mrs
McCoy said: If you don't swat that fly, I will!
Sorry to here Dennis passed, we were good friends back then.
I believe that I was Mrs. McCoy’s, favorite student, or her worst nightmare in that ill-fated fifth-grade class at Holderman. That was a tough year for me, as I spent much of it in the principles office. However the principal, even though I cannot remember her name, helped me out a great deal that year. I remember once, toward the end of school Mrs. McCoy was showing slides of her trip to New York. I had been good most of the day and had not caused a great deal of mischief.
I remember raising my hand and telling Mrs. McCoy that I would have enjoyed being in New York, on the Empire State Building so I could have pushed her off. To this day I have always felt bad about making that comment. My junior year at Tempe High, I met and became friends with Mrs. McCoy’s daughter. I even took her to the junior senior prom. Meeting up with her mother again that evening was a real experience. She was definitely not the “mean old witch” that high had remembered from fifth-grade. She was nice polite and very friendly and joked around with me. It was so the past had never occurred. From that day forward I think fondly of Mrs. McCoy.
Goofing off and creating havoc, with teachers, in elementary and high school was a real problem for me. Even though I was not a mean or unfriendly person, I would not allow myself to get close to my schoolmates. My fooling around and jokes were a defense mechanism for me, so hopefully no one would learn of my true dilemma. Learning for me was very difficult; I graduated near the bottom of our class and was even told, by one of our famous Tempe High counselors that I would never go to college. However I am a very proud individual, and along with hard work and determination I never gave up. It was not until I was 32 years old that I discovered why learning was so difficult. In 1986 I graduated from ASU with a bachelor of science, in physical geography.
This is the true confession of a class clown, and to think it all started with Mrs. McCoy.
Hello Louie,
Yes we did hang out a lot, but I read another of your entries
and you said you might not attend this reunion, WHAT are you thinking?
I'd love to see you again! The only was I'd miss is if I'm Dead!!!!
Gail during the drive up Oak Creek this evening. There was a pretty new Silverado set up for a Fifth Wheel. The back window said Debbie. The Arizona Personal License Plate read RN LAW
Larry I have got Ellen helping me to try and hunt down pictures tomorrow.
Wish me luck, my mother died in 2006 and I think they might be in her stuff.
There goes all my resolve. Need to find some sort of support group, I guess.
Speaking of Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Meyer, I was looking through the 1965 Gilliland Roadrunner that Judy Bender-Ream sent me (Thanks, Judy!). In the back is a picture of the two of them, AND, Mrs. Kick. There were a bunch of us in her class at Holdeman -- Dave Campbell, Mike Hutchings, Mary Bentley, Carol Hurlebaus (I think), Bianca Ziegler. I'll see if I can get it scanned and posted. When Mrs. Kick taught us music, she'd take out this little pitch pipe, blow a note, then go 'Looooooooo'.
You guys are hysterical. I didn't go to Holdeman, but wondered if Mrs. McCoy was Marcia McCoy's mother. She and her sister went to THS. They were in the class of '68 and '70 I think, and Marcia was a cheerleader.
Hi Tom. Fun listening to your banter too.
This is good stuff Diane. We are going to have to get a new website when this one is full by the end of this week. It's only June. And what no talk about the 41st Reunion.
Carol Peyman- Cisco is a Tobian Paint with a lot of quarter horse in him and Candy is a Midget Mayor with the same Red Paint Coloring as Cisco. Pretty funny to watch them together. We had Shiloh an Arab but he died of old age 27. Then we got Cody another Tobian Paint which wanted to be the Dominant Horse and so did Cisco. So we sold Cody to our Shoer. When we got Candy it was for the kids. But Candy did not think so. So now we have an ad to sell Candy and Ellen wants to get another Arab.
Yes, Marcia was Mrs McCoy's daughter, didn't know her
older sister. I think Tommy Sommers married one of them
from a previous entry that Tommy sent. I have an old Question:
How was your weekend?
This is good stuff Diane. We are going to have to get a new website when this one is full by the end of this week. It's only June. And what no talk about the 41st Reunion.
Carol Peyman- Cisco is a Tobian Paint with a lot of quarter horse in him and Candy is a Midget Mayor with the same Red Paint Coloring as Cisco. Pretty funny to watch them together. We had Shiloh an Arab but he died of old age 27. Then we got Cody another Tobian Paint which wanted to be the Dominant Horse and so did Cisco. So we sold Cody to our Shoer. When we got Candy it was for the kids. But Candy did not think so. So now we have an ad to sell Candy and Ellen wants to get another Arab.
Thanks for explaining it all to me, Louie. Sounds like musical horses to me. I chuckled. I bet they're beautiful and you really enjoy them. My friend has been involved with horse rescue too, so that keeps her busy.
Take care -- Carol
Does anyone remember the mean Mrs McCoy,fifth grade at Holderman?
Besides Brenda Koen and I.
Yes, I remember her squeeky little self! I was kind of afraid of her and stayed out of her way. Glad you had her!
There goes all my resolve. Need to find some sort of support group, I guess.
I think you've already found your support group PI Cannon. Have you taken the first step in admitting your powerlessness? Ha! I'm wondering what all you're digging up about us that may find itself coming up at the reunion, huh? !! :)
Later ~
Speaking of Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Meyer, I was looking through the 1965 Gilliland Roadrunner that Judy Bender-Ream sent me (Thanks, Judy!). In the back is a picture of the two of them, AND, Mrs. Kick. There were a bunch of us in her class at Holdeman -- Dave Campbell, Mike Hutchings, Mary Bentley, Carol Hurlebaus (I think), Bianca Ziegler. I'll see if I can get it scanned and posted. When Mrs. Kick taught us music, she'd take out this little pitch pipe, blow a note, then go 'Looooooooo'.