Another old friend has been taken from us by Covid-19. Friday, February 12 I found out that Steve Ortega, a friend of mine since the 4th grade at Mitchell, Holdeman, Gilliland and Tempe High passed away after fighting Covid pneumonia for over six weeks. We had re-connected at the 50 year reunion and had made (and had to cancel due to the pandemic) plans to get together again when Linda and I were able to make another trip to Tempe. He will be missed. I know I will miss him!
I'm also very sad, Steve Ortega and I had been friends forever. We got
reacquainted about three years ago and went to some ball games and
our last reunion together (our wives thought we would have more fun
without them). Our wives were right like always !! I will miss him.
In 'We got Together' group, page 2, I posted pictures of everyone at our table at the reunion. Steve is in the picture with Tommy Whatley. Steve isn't in the senior yearbook because he went his senior year to Phoenix Union HS only because they had a curriculum that THS didn't. I think he said it was welding. Tommy may be able to say for sure. He lived on Broadway, across from the T butte back in the day. I've been waiting to see if his family is going to post an obit. If they do, I'll post it in 'In Memory of'.
Hello Diane, Steve Ortega was with our class until senior year then went to a vocational
school to finish up. I invited Steve to the reunion because he was in a lot of our lives and
wanted to see everyone. Pat Gill said no problem, and Steve had a great time !!
Thank you Steve and Tom. I looked up his photo in 'We got together', pg 2 and remember chatting with him at the reunion. Such a loss, especially to lose him from Covid. R.I.P. Steve Ortega. Please give his family our best, from the THS Class of '69.