For me, Louie was, 'What's not to love?' He was honest, direct, and, 'from the heart'. When I saw him at the 20th, it was an instant though brief connection, with him talking about not having PTSD fom Nam . . . and laughing about it. Then, with the 40th, he Was more mature, more spiritual and Reflective, But still Louie, If you Know what I Mean. At the 40th, I was taking the shuttle from the parking lot up to the restaurant, and I saw this guy in a red shirt walking alone. I could see that it was Louie, and wish I had called out to stop the shuttle so I could walk with him. I run into a lot of people these days, and it's often difficult to get beyond the veneer. But with Louie, it was easy (though perfectionish me still had trouble with his PunctuAtion!). I'll be happy to see him again. What a guy! :)