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Louis Langhi
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Alicia Langhi
06-14-2010 07:59pm
I am the daughter of Louis Langhi and I know he has many good friends on this site, therefore sadly I am writting to inform you that he passed away yesterday. Ellen is going through a lot at this moment and is doing her best to make arrangements for a funeral in Flagstaff and burial at the Veteran's Cemetery in Flagstaff, where he will lay at rest.  

Re: Louis Langhi
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Diane Grant
06-15-2010 10:01am

I am so very saddened to hear of your Dad, Louis', passing.  Thank you so much for informing us all.  How wonderful that he will be laid to rest with other Veteran's. He was so very grateful to have served our country, and such a champion for others who did as well.  

While we didn't know each other in high school, I was privileged to get to know him as we planned and attended our reunion.  He had a strong Christian faith, and we often talked about our Lutheran roots.  It is a great comfort to know he is now in God's presence.

Would you please post his funeral arrangements here on this site?  I know many will want to pay respects.  Please know you, Ellen, and the rest of your family are in my prayers as you face these difficult days ahead.  We will all miss Louis.


Diane Grant

Re: Louis Langhi
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Alicia Langhi
06-15-2010 10:52am
Thank you for your kind words. Here is a copy of the news report:

'According to information from the Arizona Department of Public Safety, the fatality was reported Sunday at about 10 a.m. just north of Munds Park in the southbound lanes. The driver of a 1992 Chevy sport-utility vehicle lost control for an unknown reason and rolled over into a tree. The driver, Louis Langhi, 59, of Cornville, was declared dead at the scene.'

Re: Louis Langhi
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Phyllis Cochran
06-15-2010 01:29pm
Alicia -

Your dad was an inspiration to many of us, his THS classmates.  He was the voice of the veteran, and he reminded us all how precious life is.  Be grateful you had him in your life, but I'm very sorry to see him go - too soon, too soon.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Larry Cannon
06-15-2010 01:45pm
I'm just stunned.  I connected with Louis in a really big way before, during, and after the reunion.  This is a big shock.  He had a huge heart and was an incredibly good man.  Though the loss is great, he was and is in very good hands.  He knew the Lord.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Loretta Kissell
06-15-2010 01:49pm
I am so sorry to hear this news.  Louis endeared himself to so many new and old friends through our reunion.  I am one of those who enjoyed his postings expressing a love for life, a joy for learning, and a profound sense of honor for having served this country.  Words can provide little solace for such a loss; please know that I wlll keep you and your family in prayer as you endure the moments of saddness and emptiness.  Your father's exceptional spirit will remain with you forever.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Larry Cannon
06-15-2010 01:51pm
I remember at the reunion, riding in the shuttle coming up from the lower parking lot, seeing Louis walking up on the sidewalk.  He had mentioned coming late and not staying for the whole thing.  But there he was.  I was thrilled and almost had the shuttle driver stop to let me out so I could walk with him.  And have regretted not doing it since.  Louis was one of the kindest, most gentle men I've ever known . . . and with a really goofy sense of humor.  He loved being able to reconnect with so many of you through this website and emails.  What a guy.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Gary Waldeck
06-15-2010 02:39pm
Although we didn't keep in touch after high school, I remember Louis to be a wonderful person.  I am very shocked and saddened to learn of his passing. My wife and I really enjoyed his company at the reunion as well as his presence here on this web site.  To his family and friends, my sincerest condolences.  

Re: Louis Langhi
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Gail Vesper-Moe
06-15-2010 05:08pm
I am shocked and saddened by the news of the loss of Louis.  I, too, did not know him well in High School, but greatly enjoyed his THS website contributions and involvement in the reunion.  I clearly remember him sitting at a table at the reunion and Brenda Koen-Hummell and I singing to him and then throwing balled up napkins at him.  Of course he took in great humor. I am sorry to lose him.

Re: Louis Langhi
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06-15-2010 05:30pm
To the Louis Langhi Family,
It was awesome to connect with Louis on our THS website. Being able to talk with him at the reunion now becomes a cherished time. I had lost touch after high school like many have and was really excited to here from him on the message board. He had really got me to think about Peter Staddon and we exchanged several emails about him. That is when I also learned of his service and the love he had for our Country and his fellow servicemen. Louis was a man of honor and dedication and an advocate to those who serve this country. We sent e-mails back and fourth over the past year and just got one on the 12th. I was deeply saddened by the news of his passing.
My heart goes out to his family and my prayers are with you. I hope the support from his old class mates will in someway help get you all thru the tough times ahead. I’m sure all who had the chance to reconnect will tell you to celebrate his life. Always remember the good times and let those other memories slip away.
I hope the thoughts of my friend Sonny stay with me for a long time.
My Father in Heaven bless him and his Family. Peace be with you always.

Mike Mills    

Re: Louis Langhi
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jerry kerr
06-15-2010 08:02pm

I feel Louis would have liked this.  Good bye, good man.



Re: Louis Langhi
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Alicia Langhi
06-15-2010 10:12pm
I am the daughter of Louis Langhi and I know he has many good friends on this site, therefore sadly I am writting to inform you that he passed away yesterday. Ellen is going through a lot at this moment and is doing her best to make arrangements for a funeral in Flagstaff and burial at the Veteran's Cemetery in Flagstaff, where he will lay at rest.  

The funeral will be at the Citizen's Cemetery (Veteran's Section) at 1300 S San Francisco St, Flagstaff, AZ, 86001 starting at 1pm this coming Friday June 18th, 2010.

Thank you for all of your support and love.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Don Peterson
06-15-2010 10:22pm

We were just contacted by Ellen Langhi, and services for Louie will be held graveside on Friday June 18th at 1:00 P.M. at the Citizen's Cemetary in Flagstaff.  The cemetary is off San Francisco near NAU.  If I can find more  information on the location of the cemetary I will post it.

I had re-connected with Louie and met his wife Ellen last summer, thanks in part to this website.  What a joy it was spending time with an old friend.  We spent hours talking about our childhood as well as mis-spent youth, as there was always plenty of mischief for 15 year old Tempe boys with motorcycles to get into.  We would sit and talk about how our many shared experiences molded us into the men we became.  The last time Louie and I were together I helped him unload a U-Haul truck when he and Ellen moved into their Cornville home last Spring.  I will truly miss the shared e-mails and the thoughtful and insightful conversations Louie and I shared.

So long to my old friend.    

Re: Louis Langhi
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Mike Delamater
06-16-2010 11:05am
Since being notified about it yesterday, I'm still coming to terms with the loss of my (our...)  friend.  When Louie and my other friends were all riding motorcycles (well, in my case it was a VESPA!), we called ourselves 'The Mild Angels' after the movie 'The Wild Angels'. Since half the time my scooter was broken,  I often  ended up a passenger on someone else's bike, including Lou's. On one of those occasions, we were riding down Priest and Lou flipped off some guy in a pickup truck. The driver started to chase us so Lou took off through one of the plowed fields off of Priest. Fortunately, the guy gave up the pursuit, which ended with Lou's Honda 90 stuck with the front wheel buried in the mud, the back end sticking up,  me on his back, his helmet facemask pressed against the speedometer and the horn going off because  his hand had jammed against the horn button. That was just one of many times I remember laughing my ass off with him.

Those of us who shared Mr. Smith's wood shop with Louie will never forget Smith bellowing, 'Lang-hi, turn it off!'. Fortunately, my memories of Louie's silly laugh, his antics and hearing him always calling me a 'Big Puss' won't be turned off just because he's gone.

We lost touch for some years after high school but I think around the time of the first reunion we reconnected and kept touch via email ever since. While our political views differed and we good-naturedly traded those barbs, I always respected his views and honored him for his military service.

Here's a final salute to my good friend.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Gary Patton
06-17-2010 12:06pm
I too, reconnected with Louie through the website and had the opportunity last year to get together with him and meet Ellen at their home and again at the reunion.  What a gentle, easy going guy!  We had frequent email contact since then; some serious and some just hilarious.
I first remember Louie from 4th grade at Mitchell School.  He went by Sonny in those days.  I think it was because he always had that big bright goofy smile.
I was one of those 'Mild Angels' that Meter wrote about.  We used to ride our motorcycles everywhere together.  It was a qick getaway when TPing.

I will miss my friend Louie, his commitment to remembering Vets, and that wonderful smile and laugh.  My condolences and prayers to his family.

Gary Patton

Re: Louis Langhi
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Bob Hicks
06-17-2010 01:24pm
I am glad to have spent some special time, although it was short, with Louie at the reunion.  Although we had not seen or spoke for 40 years, he was the Louie I knew from gradeschool and highschool.  I can still remember his laugh and his attentive smile.  We had shared our childhood memories, classmates , and that for a moment of all the years past, it was good to share our feelings about the events that have ocurred over the years gone past, and shared some of what he was looking forward to do.  He will always be my friend, and I will miss him and his way.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Lanny S Flake
06-17-2010 06:15pm
I'm so sorry to hear of Louis' passing.  I didn't know him real well, but I remember him (perhaps different from some of you, obviously!) as a kind, mild mannered, easy going guy even in high school.  Family losses are always hard.  What an admirable thing that he served and honored his military service.  There are deep and ongoing blessings that come from that service.  I wish your family the the peace and blessings of the Lord through this process.  May your memories become more fond and enduring with the passage of time.
Lanny (Pospisil) Flake

Re: Louis Langhi
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Jim Zelenski
06-18-2010 04:49pm
I'll always remember Louis as a friendly, funny guy who could sing with the best of 'em in Mr. Wells' Tempe High School Concert Choir.  I don't think that he felt any more at home in a white dinner jacket and bow tie than any of the men singers, but if you ask me he looked pretty suave on stage nonetheless.  Singers develop  a way of passing bits of humor among the sections during rehearsals, and I distinctly remember Louis being the source of quite a lot of good funny comments that served to put those old classics in their place (I mean the music) and put us singers in the right mood.  Louis was one of the first friends in my life to give me the gift of humor, and for this I'll be forever thankful to him.  Bless you on your way, Louis.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Alicia Langhi
06-19-2010 01:04am
Today was my dad's funeral and I wouldn't have been able to come and give my last respects if it wasn't for the people of his class. I appreciate it more than anyone could ever know. It was consoling to see family and to hear people speak so kindly of him. Thank you to those who came and to those that have responded on this site. I am truly a better person for having been raised by such a loving and hard-working man that knows how to remind us of the funny things in life. I remember when I was a teenager I  asked my dad why the boys at school (that I liked) didn't like me and he replied because you are like me and you probably scare the crap out of them with your sense of humor.  

Class of 1969, Thank once again!!  

Re: Louis Langhi
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Paulette Chartier
06-19-2010 02:22am
My thoughtful regards and condolences to Louis' family.  He was truly a champion of war Veterans, in particular, our classmate, Peter Staddon.  Louis made sure we all remembered the sacrifice Peter made for us and his country.  I also want to thank those involved in making the decision to make it financially possible for Alicia to attend her father's service.  Proud to be part of the class of 69 Buffaloes.  Paulette

Re: Louis Langhi
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Linda Jones
06-19-2010 12:47pm
It is so hard to express in words how one feels when you lose a person you love.  I know my words cannot begin to make the Langhi family feel any comfort, but please know this, we are thinking of you and express our grief with you.  I am proud to be a part of the class of 1969 tempe high.  I am happy to know you are all kind and caring people.  I am so happy Alicia was able to go to the funeral and like Paulette express my thanks to Jerry Kerr and all of you who helped make it possible.  Life is fragile, my prayer is we all appreciate our family and friends and tell them everytime we get a chance how very much we love them.  Louis, thank you for being a true american hero!  We will miss you.

Re: Louis Langhi
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Linda Anthony
06-27-2010 02:07am
I am Alicia's mother and I was married to Louis for 18 wonderful years, unfortunately we ended up going our separte ways. I had the pleasure of meeting several of you in 1999, at the 30th class reunion. I would like to say thank you to each and every one of you for your kind words and thoughts.
Yes he was a great man, husband and father. He helped raise my 3 children as well as his daughter. He was a hard worker but always had a great sense of humor, he was very well liked and loved by all. He started his landscape/ lawn maint, business Tropic Lawn Maint. here in Las Vegas in 1980 and we were married in 1981.
There will never be another person like Lou, he was one of a kind and it breaks my heart to think his life ended like it did. He was so full of life and energy. He was always laughing and carrying on. I am glad I was able to attend his funeral and say my goodbyes to him. Lou will truely be missed and I will always love him.
And thak you to all that helped make it possible for my daughter to be able to attend.
Thank you once again
Linda Anthony

Re: Louis Langhi
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Ellen Langhi
07-13-2010 06:34pm
    Thank you to all of you for your delightful memories of Lou.  Everything everyone said about him is true.  He was strong but kind and gentle.  He was hard working and honest with high morals and values.   And of course, his laugh and his crazy sense of humor that we all loved so much, always makes me smile inside.  Lou had a strong love for his country and was proud to have served in the army and was proud of all those who served with him and after him.
    I would like to share with all of you 'our Hallmark story'.  Lou and I first met at a roller skating party when he was 16 and I was 15.  We had so much fun together.  We would run in to each other once in a while he on his Honda 90 and me on my horse (Tempe was a small town back then).  We hung around with some of the same people and we dated a few times.  We tried to keep in touch, we both went to MCC but didn't run into each other.  He joined the army, we lost touch and we both got married to someone else.  We found each other again 30 years later.  The mother of a mutual friend of ours suggested Lou call me and he did.  we talked, we emailed everyday, dated for a few months, fell in love, got married, and had 8 terrific years together.  Lou and I had so many plans to have many more years together when he was so abruptly taken from us.  One of our friends at his funeral said 'God came down and wrapped his arms around Lou and took him home for whatever reasons unknown to us'.  
    I can take comfort in all of your stories, your memories, your love, your thoughts and your prayers.
    I also want to thank all of you so very much for all of your contributions that made it possible for Lou's youngest daughter, Alicia, to attend her dad's funeral.  I was unaware of all this at the time.  I too am sending a contribution to the THS fund from Lou and I.
Thank you again, everyone,
                  Lou's wife,

Re: Louis Langhi
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Phyllis Cochran
07-15-2010 12:31am
Ellen -

Thanks for sharing your memories of Lou.  I wish you comfort and peace.  Be easy on yourself, as what you're going through is just about the most difficult thing anybody will ever have to do and you need support.  Know that you have it here.

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