I just want to send a shout out to all of those who have emailed me these past months offering me support and encouragement (Gail V., Phyllis C., Butch B. et. al. ) I have been waiting for months now to see if I qualified for disibility and it has been a tough time. I was not even sure if that was the way i wanted to go. But you guys and this site kept me going. I cannot thank you folks enough. Just so you know, last week I got my awards letter from SSDI....In record time actually. From date of filing to the award was less than 4 months. So now I am poor but happy and planning a cross country motorcycle trip in the spring. Lifw IS good. Thanks to all. See you at the Roost.
I am so happy to hear you are happy and getting the finacial support that you need and deserve. I am so looking forward to seeing you next weekend,