My barn parties were more of the kind Jerry went to. Cows, hay, welding, in other words WORK. Anyway, directly S of the school was a little lime/torquise farm house with a barn and machinery shed. If I remember right it was the Mortensen family farm. They had a son and daughter, Rick and Debbie, I think. They were a couple of years older than us. It seems they moved to town and lived in the Shalimar area on Southern. Went to McClintock. :( Then Jerry reminded me of the Crandall family that might have lived there after the Mortensens. All the kids names started with D. Dickie, Davie,Darla, etc etc. eight times. So much for the Kyrene history lesson.
Ya'll need to settle down, now. We are all the same age, remember. Just because most of you men do not dye your hair (remaining hair) does not mean we gals are any younger. The problem is, men seem to look more handsome and distinguished with grey hair/balding heads and women just look old and washed out. Something is not quite fair about that. The same seems to hold true for wrinkles. Hmmm? Men can get away with wearing ballcaps, too.
Ya'll need to settle down, now. We are all the same age, remember. Just because most of you men do not dye your hair (remaining hair) does not mean we gals are any younger. The problem is, men seem to look more handsome and distinguished with grey hair/balding heads and women just look old and washed out. Something is not quite fair about that. The same seems to hold true for wrinkles. Hmmm? Men can get away with wearing ballcaps, too.
That's the price you gals pay for looking so hot as teens while most of us guys looked like dorks. :0)