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Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Larry Cannon
09-15-2009 08:08am
Jim, interesting post!  I had no idea the phrase was from the bible -- I actually thought I was the coiner!  It has helped me, not in getting started, but in curbing self-criticism after I've started and am tempted to think, 'This is stupid.', or, 'This'll never go anywhere.'

Here's one from an art teacher, applies to more than just art:  'Don't look for a subject worthy to paint.  Make something worthy by painting it.'

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Lou Langhi
09-16-2009 08:14am
You can pick your Friends,
and you can pick your Nose,
Don't pick your 'Friends Nose'.

Something to live by--smiles

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Loretta Kissell
09-16-2009 12:38pm
If you have nothing, you have nothing to worry about.  Buddha

And for this group of deep thinkers:

It is good to be confused.  If you are not confused, you are not thinking deeply.  Confucius

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Loretta Kissell
09-16-2009 12:44pm
One more to round out the ecumenism and globalism of our philosophical musings:
'The things that will destroy us are politics without principle;
pleasure without conscience;
wealth without work;
knowledge without character;
business without morality;
science without humanity;
and worship without sacrifice.'   --Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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09-16-2009 04:55pm
Is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Phyllis Cochran
09-16-2009 07:05pm
For me personally I learned that what I struggle with makes me strong.

And one more - Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor

I try to be on the dance floor as much as I can these days. It's better than sitting still and watching the dancers twirl by.

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Jim Zelenski
09-19-2009 09:24pm
Phyllis, I agree that by and large it's important to 'be open' to any good fortune that may come knocking.  Too many allow opportunity to pass by.

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Michael Hutchings
09-19-2009 11:06pm
My God !
Ecumenism and globalism- is this a reunion or a taping of Dr. Phil ? This is exactly why I don't enjoy these soirees- Everybody wants to expound on how wise and philisophical they have become. Please leave God out of getting together with old friends, and let everyone worship privately. If this is going to be a competition of ones intellectual and moral capacities, then I wish all a great evening and congradulate everyone on their success and comprehensive understanding of ' what really makes the world go around. '

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Larry Cannon
09-20-2009 11:22am
Mike, the same thing can be said of basketball!  Worship and talk about it in private, please!    ;-)

I plan on having a terrific time at the reunion, talking about lots of different things, and laughing my head off!  If God comes up in conversation, it's because over the past 40 years, some of us have found that life without God is kind of dull -- he really does make great wine!

'Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it.'
                                                                                         -- G. K. Chesterton, 1937

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Michael Hutchings
09-20-2009 12:29pm
Right you are Larry. Sorry for the rant.

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Larry Cannon
09-20-2009 01:03pm
Mike, eez okay!  Nuf said.  And I hate being 'right'.  Happily, I usually never am with my kids.

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Loretta Kissell
09-20-2009 03:28pm
Since I am the guilty party using the objectionable phrases, let me just say it was done tongue in  cheek at the grandiosity of our 'philosphical musings'.  I meant no harm....

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Michael Hutchings
09-20-2009 04:38pm
It's impossible to use your vernacular with your ' tongue in your cheek ' Do you write with a Thesarus by your side, or do you use these words on a regular basis.
By the way, what you left out of that quote was :

My daughter's daughter, although very wise, knows not of what she speaks !

Grandma Gandhi

( This whole post was done with tongue in cheek-lol-lol ! )

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Loretta Kissell
09-20-2009 08:19pm
Mike....I am sure you meant 'vocabulary' which one would find in a Thesauras....not 'vernacular' which one would be more likely to pick up on the street and stick in their cheek!! ...just a shade of difference and I still mean no harm.    

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Larry Cannon
09-20-2009 10:20pm
My car had a vernacular on it once upon a time, but it fell off.  Has never run the same since.

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Jim Zelenski
09-20-2009 10:35pm
Mike, guilty plea's in the mail.

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Michael Hutchings
09-21-2009 07:37am
Loretta :
I stand corrected! I have found out that the vernacular is a major vein leading from the foot I have in my mouth, leading directly to my ass- which I tend to be from time to time.
All postings are meant to be in good fun !


Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Jerry Kerr
09-21-2009 01:09pm
Loretta :
I stand corrected! I have found out that the vernacular is a major vein leading from the foot I have in my mouth, leading directly to my ass- which I tend to be from time to time.
All postings are meant to be in good fun !


See how fun and educational this site is!  I thought that a vernacular was a valve in a carburator...geeez  ;o)  i love you guys

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Loretta Kissell
09-21-2009 01:09pm
Mike:  Well, it is clear neither of us can spell Thesaurus...maybe it would indeed help if I had one nearby when I write....'all's well that ends well.'  

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Michael Hutchings
09-22-2009 10:07am
Loretta :
I have alwase phelt that speling wuz ann overaited skyll. Hoo neads it, az long az won can no wut is beeing sed.

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Loretta Kissell
09-22-2009 02:58pm
And, Pooh says that sometimes spelling Tuesday just doesn't count!  

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Jim Zelenski
09-24-2009 01:14am
In class I always plead 'creative spelling' when students notice mistakes on my part at the board....

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Larry Cannon
09-24-2009 03:38pm
Here's a new one:  Attend the reunion in a month before we all start to fall apart like this salmon.

Attached File: old salmon.jpg

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Phyllis Cochran
09-24-2009 08:20pm

Biggest salmon I've ever seen!!

I tried to see how it was falling apart, but I must not know very much about fish anatomy because it looked like a regular fish to me. A grizzled, snaggle-mouthed, gigantic old fish, but just a fish.

What did I miss?

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Larry Cannon
09-24-2009 09:02pm
Okay, so it's not quite there, yet . . . but close!  The hooked nose, red sides, mottling, all happen just before the flesh starts coming off.  Take a look at some of us during the reunion (be discrete), you'll see the signs.  Another ten years and what'll we be?  Bones!  That's why it's wise to attend the 40th while we're still recognizable!

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Jerry Kerr
09-25-2009 10:05am

I have noticed lately when shaving my grizzled face, that my jaw is starting to protrude in a 'salmonesque' fashion. How long do you think I got before the flesh starts falling........ already lost a fin  ;o(


Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Phyllis Cochran
09-25-2009 06:40pm
Jerry -

You may have lost a fin, but nobody is holding you up (dead I presume) for a picture while wearing wading boots!

Re: Pearls of Wisdom
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Gary Trimeloni(Snider)
10-02-2009 10:33am
Just a few quotes that got my attention and helped guide me over the years...............

'If you have a bellybutton you are automatically qualified to be at least 20% screwed up at any given moment.'-R. Trimeloni (Dad)

'The salvation of man lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.'-MLK

'The love you take is equal to the love you make.'-Paul Mcartney

'Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans'- John Lennon

'I'm just here for the show.'-George Carlin

'If my answers frighten you stop asking scary questions.'-Pulp Fiction

'I may not agree with a word you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.'-Voltaire

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