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Tempe High School Class of 1969 - Please help!! Where did you live in the '60s???
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Steve, I lived on the corner of W. Fairmont Dr. and Dromedary Drive. My sister ('76) still lives there and she still has the same phone number!! It used to begin with WO7 (woodland.....). I have few memories of the way things were....but, I worked for Ma Bell as an information operator/directory assistance that was housed in the white building on W. 5th Street just south of the Hackett House. It is now Trails (I think). We entered from the back and went upstairs and looked phone numbers up in big phone books! I also went to Dr. George Sanchez, optometrist. His office was located on W. 7th Street and is now located (and has been for many, many years...maybe 30) on the south side of Broadway between Rural and College. He gave me my first pair of contact lenses when I was 13 years old. The Tempe Elementary School District offices were named for him. I still go to him as have my children and now their children. He is someone you might like to interview. I do have a Then and Now book of Tempe......it is available at Changing Hands I think. Now there is another individual to interview....Gail Shanks, founder and owner of this bookstore that started on Mill Avenue. Good luck with this project.
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