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Tempe High School Class of 1969 - Louis Langhi
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Since being notified about it yesterday, I'm still coming to terms with the loss of my (our...) friend. When Louie and my other friends were all riding motorcycles (well, in my case it was a VESPA!), we called ourselves 'The Mild Angels' after the movie 'The Wild Angels'. Since half the time my scooter was broken, I often ended up a passenger on someone else's bike, including Lou's. On one of those occasions, we were riding down Priest and Lou flipped off some guy in a pickup truck. The driver started to chase us so Lou took off through one of the plowed fields off of Priest. Fortunately, the guy gave up the pursuit, which ended with Lou's Honda 90 stuck with the front wheel buried in the mud, the back end sticking up, me on his back, his helmet facemask pressed against the speedometer and the horn going off because his hand had jammed against the horn button. That was just one of many times I remember laughing my ass off with him. Those of us who shared Mr. Smith's wood shop with Louie will never forget Smith bellowing, 'Lang-hi, turn it off!'. Fortunately, my memories of Louie's silly laugh, his antics and hearing him always calling me a 'Big Puss' won't be turned off just because he's gone. We lost touch for some years after high school but I think around the time of the first reunion we reconnected and kept touch via email ever since. While our political views differed and we good-naturedly traded those barbs, I always respected his views and honored him for his military service. Here's a final salute to my good friend.
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