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Tempe High School Class of 1969 - Louis Langhi
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We were just contacted by Ellen Langhi, and services for Louie will be held graveside on Friday June 18th at 1:00 P.M. at the Citizen's Cemetary in Flagstaff. The cemetary is off San Francisco near NAU. If I can find more information on the location of the cemetary I will post it. I had re-connected with Louie and met his wife Ellen last summer, thanks in part to this website. What a joy it was spending time with an old friend. We spent hours talking about our childhood as well as mis-spent youth, as there was always plenty of mischief for 15 year old Tempe boys with motorcycles to get into. We would sit and talk about how our many shared experiences molded us into the men we became. The last time Louie and I were together I helped him unload a U-Haul truck when he and Ellen moved into their Cornville home last Spring. I will truly miss the shared e-mails and the thoughtful and insightful conversations Louie and I shared. So long to my old friend.
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