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Tempe High School Class of 1969 - Global Warming
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Hi Everybody from frigid Rochester, NY. Jut thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth. Like Larry, we should definitely do our own research before deciding. I took the advice of a recent letter to the editor ('Global warming theory crumbling') and checked out the recommended Web site, www.climatedepot.com. I enjoyed reading the article about 'The Big Climate Change Fraud' on the recommended site, and wish that the global warming theory was in fact a fraud so that I would not have to eventually give up my gas-guzzling SUV, pay for higher energy bills, etc. However, being critical by nature, I went further and read statements regarding this controversy on the East Anglia University Web site, http://www.uea.ac.uk/ where the controversy started with the hacking of scientists' e-mails. I also went to Bloomberg.com and read a Dec. 2 column written by Eric Pooley regarding this controversy as well. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aBE1_bXtraio Both helped to clarify and provide perspective. I will leave this to the readers to search out and read the statements and articles for themselves. However, I am now planning on replacing my SUV with an energy-efficient vehicle, adding more home insulation and turning down my thermostat. I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy Christmas and New Year's holiday. Peace, Gary
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